Limil Haute Couture 2017 recommends four "regret" suits

Fashion is a vicious circle, and a variety of styles emerge in an endless stream. First, clothes can't be done well. Always try to get a deconstruction and reorganization. You can't wear clothes well and you don't want to take off. Now, even a suit is unwilling to be lonely. The ranks, a tumultuous mess, and look at the four "male" suits recommended by Limil.

Limil Haute Couture 2017 recommends four "regret" suits

Bathrobes waist suit

A belt brought out a sense of laziness, diluting the original seriousness of the suit. The sleek, simple robe suits have become more fashionable and easy to wear, and the gauze dresses are elegant and elegant.

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Casual Sportswear

The main style of this sportswear is "casual", which is usually loose-fitting, comfortable to wear, and allows for easy movement. The design is also very simple and classic. This type of sportswear is highly favored by the adult population, which proves how much they enjoy the casual style of clothing. At the same time, this sportswear can be worn in most situations. It can be worn during exercise, at home, and even when going out shopping. It all depends on how people choose to wear it.


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