Autumn and winter sleeveless dress skirt dress with how

Dress seems to have its place in the year, you can wear a single, can also be combined. Now that the fall and winter seasons have begun, some dresses have begun to transform their roles into bottled skirts. The shift from the outside to the inside is not a concealm.......

Energy saving principle of insulating glass

[China Glass Network] There are three ways of heat transfer: convection heat transfer, heat transfer and radiation heat transfer. Convective heat transfer is due to the temperature difference in the gas, which causes the gas to convect and drive the energy to tr.......

Cocoon December issue of fashion blockbusters

Vogue costumes and beauty collaborated with COCOON on the December issue of the blockbuster “Under the Desert Pastry”. Combining the pastel fashion of autumn and winter of 2014 with the rugged desert style, it will di.......

Plastic mixing needs attention

In the market, there are many kinds of plastics, but people who make plastics generally only know that they are divided into engineering plastics and daily plastics. In essence, plastics are classified as .......